Multiple dumps of media with the same serial number by different users are encouraged to verify previous entries and help identify revisions. Users are encouraged to follow the guides correctly and share their results to help build and populate the database.
provides guides to ensure users can dump their media using the most accurate method available to achieve as close to a 1:1 backup as possible. If you are looking for quality, look here. If you are looking for a complete collection of titles, look elsewhere. These maintained collections are not a complete list of titles for their corresponding systems. Torrents will never be provided for any Redump Disc Image Collection maintained due to their progression.

Titles that may possibly be bad dumps will not be included. Submittals added to the Redump database for this collection will be made available whenever possible. Titles not found in the Redump database will not be included. The demo allows you to pick from 3 of the final games selectable characters and play some of the. This pack was made using M1 VGM mod v0.7.9a1 and MAME0144. Track Names are used in Magical Drop III OST. This collection contains disc images that have been verified to match the file hashes in the Redump database.įavorite this page or follow me on twitter for future updates to this collection. A store demo of Magical Drop for the Neo Geo Pocket Color. Beginning Ver.2 (Title) 0:08: Download vgz Add to. This collection contains disc images that have been verified to match the file hashes in the Redump database. Not included are unlicensed games, prototypes, Neo Geo Pocket Color games, or Hyper Neo Geo 64 games.This is a maintained Redump Disc Image Collection and will be updated periodically. This is a maintained Redump Disc Image Collection and will be updated periodically. This pack contains many ROMs you can download from the below link. Listed here are all 157 officially licensed Neo Geo games, including all 148 MVS games, all 118 AES games, and all 98 Neo Geo CD games. This Neo Geo Rom set contain a lot number of awesome ROMs. Homebrew development for the system started after the console was discontinued, both by noncommercial hobbyists and commercially. This page lists every game released for all three Neo Geo formats. Most games were first released on the MVS then rereleased for the home consoles, however some never saw a home console release and eight games were released exclusively for the Neo Geo CD. Each system features similar hardware and runs the same library of games through different media formats.

It was released in three different iterations: a ROM cartridge-based arcade system board called the Multi Video System (MVS), a cartridge-based home video game console called the Advanced Entertainment System (AES), and a CD-ROM-based home console called the Neo Geo CD. magdrop3.zip,magdrop3. The Neo Geo is a video game platform developed and designed by SNK and supported from 1990 to 2004. Left to right: Neo Geo MVS arcade cabinet, Neo Geo AES, and Neo Geo CD